miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010

The History of Man

Interview Magazine
"The Hisotry of Man"
Photography Robbie Fimmano / Styling Karl Templer / Models Berthold Rothas, Brad Alphonso, Brett Reeves, Clément Chabernaud, Francisco Lachowski, Ian O'Brien,  Lauren Albucher, Marcel Castenmiller, Mark Cox, Mathias Bergh, Matthew Coatsworth, Max Motta, Michael Wozniak, Niels Raabe, Paolo Anchisi, Rodrigo Calazans, Simon Nessman, Taylor Fuchs, Tyler Riggs, Yuri Pleskun.

Una pequeña editorial conmemorando los 20 años de Dolce & Gabbana con muchos muchos modelos ;)
Éste post está dedicado a Ireri que realizó la petición :)

A little editorial paying tribute to the 20 years of Dolce & Gabbana with many many models ;)
This post is dedicated to Ireri beacause she asked for it :)

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